
A number of breakthrough technologies in medicine

For a long time, finding solutions to bring light to blind patients always inspire scientists. Moorfield Eye Institute, London, UK, a transplant surgery successful biological eye with electronic devices has brought a new breakthrough. The success of the replacement of biological eyes helped bring hope to many patients suffering from congenital blindness, and is considered one of the major advances of modern medicine.


After applying eye transplantation biology, the first signal has shown: the eyes of patients with the ability to bounce back. After transplantation biology eye, doctors had to put a camera and an image processing device inside a small spectacles of patients. Camera system and this device allows processing and receiving the images around, then, converted into data and through a small cable connected to a network electrode placed in the retina. During the surgery, doctors also created on the retina a special layer of cells capable of receiving rays of light and images when they go to the eye.

When these electrodes are stimulated they send information along the optic nerve to the brain and head. In the area of ​​the brain function, the bright spots, dark images will be identified depending on the severity of electrodes are stimulated.

Artificial muscles help regain visual abilities

The surgeon of the UC Davis Medical Center, California, USA recently successfully applied into a new method could help blind people regain visual function. The new method used in transplant surgery is a type of artificial muscle with the ability to help the blind analysis of images.

Artificial muscle system is applied a special technology, consisting of electrodes of lead and silicon plymer allowed to receive and transmit signals to the brain to help analyze the signals received from the eyes into the corresponding image. For people with vision loss due to stroke, artificial muscle fibers surround system also helps the patient eye sight eye control, as well as the ability to control the operation of the face. The titanium fasteners materials will help fix the artificial muscle fibers to the bone around the eye. The success rate of artificial muscle implants can reach 90%.

With this success, scientists believe will help regain the light of thousands of patients with vision loss as a result of stroke patients, the head injuries, nerve injury …

Brain surgery using ultrasound

In Switzerland, the surgeon leading the country has successfully tested and put into use the new brain surgery, which is surgery using ultrasound waves.

According to the surgeons, the new method can help doctors perform surgery every detail deep inside the brain without touching or damaging anything to the skull or the outer skin like conventional surgical methods currently being applied. But the most important thing is the accuracy factor and the level of safety of the new method are appreciated. Currently doctors have surgery for 9 patients with debilitating pain caused by chronic brain (chronic debilitating pain).

While traditional methods often cause injury or damage to the brain part of the thalamus (the part of the brain controls the signaling activity between different regions in the brain). In the surgical process by sound waves, brain regions need surgery will be affected by the sound wave energy and heat up themselves. Temperatures in the affected brain cells may themselves be up to 54,5oC and die. The whole process negative impact on the brain waves are sick will be combined with the images obtained by the method of magnetic resonance scans.

This will allow the surgeon determine the exact area of ​​the brain need surgery, albeit with very small size as a grain of rice. Images of the brain region and change the color of the brain region that appears on the screen will also notify the doctor identify the areas where the temperature is increased in the brain and help them to control the process of surgery not to a technical error occurred.

Nanotechnology creates new progress in medicine

Recently, the Canadian team of scientists has successfully developed medical instruments nanotechnology applications called “magic bullets” – magic bullet. This product opens up new therapeutic approach promises strong growth in the future. Through special instruments such as the Nano pills, drugs will be taken to every cell in the body of patients.

Nano-sized pills for about 20,000 nanometres (equivalent to the size of a human hair in diameter), inside the first sensor adjusts direction, on the exposed top of the Nano with bullets holes networks thin li ti to release the drug molecules in the regions need special treatment.

According to scientists, one of the app promises to bring the most effective treatment is applied in the treatment of cancer. Doctors can use Nano bullet to getting medication to individual cancer cells correctly and efficiently.